Thursday, December 10, 2015

Pre-heating the to speak

Well here we are.. 3 days away from the transfer! I have been terrible with keeping this blog updated as we recently moved into a new house and life got hectic (as it usually does.)

I fly to San Diego super early this Sunday morning and head to an ultrasound at 10am, then I check into my hotel and prepare for the following three days of strict bed-rest. I am only allowed up to use the restroom. No shower. (yuck!)

My medications are in full swing. I take Prenatal vitamins, baby aspirin, doxycycline, prednisone in the morning, and Progesterone pills, another Doxycycline, and a shot in the upper hip area of Progesterone. Also a shot every monday and Thursday of Delestrogen. The shots are beginning to really hurt. Especially the progesterone oil. I had to walk around my kitchen mumbling expletives after tonight's round of 2 shots. One in each hip. I am now sitting on a heating pad to hopefully help.

I forgot how exciting yet stressful this time is for me, granted there is not the same pressure as last time I did this. My previous IPs that I carried for only had 1 healthy embryo! So far my guys have about 24 to choose from, though that number may drop as we get closer to the transfer date. I'm so excited for them. IF#1 is going to stay at my hotel with me (in a separate room...we're close, but we're not "Corinne's morning face" close...yet. hehe I guess we'll be "Here's my vagina and your kid"close in about 9 months eh?)

I will update again from my bed in the hotel..lord knows I'll have little else to do. ;)

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