I'm 27 weeks today and I know that this little girl is only going to get bigger. I was thinking today about how physically challenging this pregnancy has been and how the sacrifices I am making physically will combine with all the physical sacrifices of my IM to bring this little girl into the world. My smooth tummy I have always had was painted permanently with these stripes and I in no way see that as a difficult sacrifice. Instead, it's a reminder to me, as I struggle to sleep or roll over, or walk, or get up from the ground, that the end result of all of these pains and all of these scars...is that beautiful baby. I thought about the physical scars my IM has....Egg retrieval is a surgery, as well as her emotional scars she carries on her heart from her previous losses while trying to bare her child herself. People say to me all the time what a wonderful thing I am doing, or how I am giving such a gift, when really I see this as me joining IM's battle in the last moments, helping her to win. She has fought much harder, and much longer for this little girl than I have and will. I am only the reinforcements. This journey has been IM's and IF's for so long...and I am only a small role in their road to parenthood. My scars....her scars. We will bare them together to bring a perfect little girl into the world.
Fun Facts:
Cravings: Tart fruit ei: Nectarines, Plumbs, strawberries, blueberries etc.
Chicken strips dipped in nacho cheese...I have yet to fulfill this craving..
Roasted Beets
did I mention milk??
Aversions: Chicken that I cook myself. Seeing it raw just....ick,